Beauty Resolutions

A new year and suddenly it feels as though a new me should emerge. Well, not a new me but there are changes I would like to make.

At one point in life I was super goal oriented and to stay on track of those goals I created a vision board (images that represented my goals and dreams for the year ahead) and each time I created one I inevitably reached those goals. The past couple of years I have become a bit lazy and have not done a vision board which has resulted in feeling lost and a little hopeless. However, this year is going to be different! I’m tired of feeling hopeless and really want my dreams and goals to become realities…vision board time!

While my vision board encompassses various aspects of my life (work, family, money, travel, health) there will also be a spot for all things beauty and of course FLESH Beauty.

This time of year is especially exciting when it comes to beauty products. Not only does each line launch new products this is also the time where many mass retailers discontinue and cut prices (50-75% off) on those discontinued products.

This year, I am using my vision board to post images of those new products that I can not wait to try..but with some budget limitations. As it used to go, my old self wanted to be the first one to grab the new products (despite the cost) while this year I will patiently wait for sales before purchasing and if possible stack that sale with a coupon.

Of course while I want to buy everything I also can’t wait to launch some amazing products with FLESH Beauty. Another part of the vision board. The blog will also undergo some changes this year as we start to move towards the ultimate goal of product launches (soooo exciting!). And we want to know more about our readers..what are your beauty goals, loves and dreams? How can we make those come true for you too?

If you also would love a daily reminder of your goals for the year, I suggest a vision board (or beauty vision board). I like to use poster board and images from magazines that provide meaning to my goals and dreams. Then go to a place where you can just be in your own thoughts and maybe play some music that also inspires you, and take those images and place them on the poster board in a way that makes sense to you. No one else has to know what the images represent, but for you they will be your reminder of what you want to acheive for the year.

What are your beauty resolutions for 2016? Share below in the comments section…we’d love to know!

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